How Do I Invite a Friend to Church?

If you have found a church home you love, chances are you are eager to invite others to experience the community you have benefitted from. If you aren’t excited to start inviting friends, let this be your reminder that maybe… you should be!

We are called to share the love of Jesus Christ with all the world and a simple invite to Church can be a great way to do this. We know, however, that sometimes inviting a friend to church can feel like anything but simple. Your human. You likely get nervous to take a leap and extend the invite. Whether you are worried they won’t accept your invitation or fear it could negatively affect your friendship, several factors could hold you back. 

It doesn’t have to be scary or detrimental to a relationship to extend an invitation to church. Plus the stakes are too high to let fear hold you back. 

Let’s take a look at a few ways you can step out in faith and invite a friend to Church and hopefully experience the life-changing love of Christ when they get there. 

Lead With Love

The process of inviting a friend to church starts long before you actually talk to them about attending. You must first bring the church to them. This can be done by the way you live your life. Are you living a life that is representative of the love of Christ?

Do you demonstrate generosity, kindness, compassion, love, and faithfulness in everything you do? Have you gone out of your way to help this friend in a time of need, offering them an encouraging word, or praying for them in your personal time with God? 

Of course, none of us are perfect, and we are not saying you must live a sin-free life before you can invite another to church. But it’s not a great look if you gossip about co-workers one second and then invite them to church the next. Nothing turns someone off like appearing hypocritical.

Lead with love and take every opportunity to be the church outside of the building before inviting a friend into the building. 

Invite them to Worship WITH You

It is nice to tell a friend about your church, and give them the address, website, or service time. It is a whole nother thing to invite a friend to come WITH you to church. Ask them to come on a specific date, at a specific time, and make a plan for where you will meet them. 

Most new visitors may be intimidated to visit alone or even forget about your invitation. But if you make a plan to attend together, they are much more likely to visit.

Focus on Connection

Instead of spilling a bunch of information about your church, doctrine within the bible, or what it means to be a Christian, focus on connecting them to Christ and other Christians. Share your personal experience of walking with Christ. Introduce Them to other friends who attend your church. Invite them to a small group. 

Follow up

There is always a chance when you extend an invite to church, your friend won’t accept the invite. That’s okay. Trust that God has a plan and know that you stepped out in obedience. Don’t be afraid to follow up, but don’t be pushy. 

Whether they say yes or no to attending church with you, your relationship doesn’t need to change. You continue to love them as Christ would. You continue to serve them. You continue to pray for them and know that God has a plan. 

Step Out in Faith

Inviting a friend to church doesn’t have to be scary or stressful. If you have experienced the Love of Christ you know how being a part of a church community can be life-changing. The enemy wants you to hesitate when it comes to sharing the love of Christ. Inviting a friend to church is one of many ways to spread the Gospel. Who can you invite to join you at Church this weekend?

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