Content updating services for your church, ministry or Christ-centered business

Let your team get back to the work that matters to them by letting us help with updating your content.

Some of the platforms we service

Where We Can Help

Website Pages

We've been updating content on website pages for customers for over a decade. You're in good hands here!


Our team will make sure your events will always be current and up-to-date for all of your future attendees.

Staff Updates

Who doesn't want to see the bright shining face of your new team member on your website!? We've got you covered!


Growth in groups starts with letting people have awareness that the group exists in the first place. We can help make this happen!


We'll post your volunteer or job openings for you and remove it once the spot has been filled.


We can't always make it to the in-person service. Let us ensure that everyone still get access to the message!

tasks completed
8 0 +
customer satisfaction rating
0 %

Our Simple Process

Step 1

Email our customer success team and let them know what content updating task you need them to do.

Step 2

Assuming we have all the information we need, our team will review the task and complete it typically within one to two business days.

Step 3

We’ll let you know that the task is done. You’re happy, we’re happy and now your team can move focus on ministry work with one less thing to do!

Frequently Asked Questions

In simplest terms, content updating is making changes to what is already there. These are typically smaller tasks to keep things up-to-date and take your time away from what is important.

If we think we are able to complete a ticket in 30 minutes, but it turns out to take longer, we will complete the task and document the time in our system. If that type of task repeatedly takes longer than 30 minutes to complete, then we will contact you and let you know that we can no longer support those types of requests.

We complete content updating tasks that take 30 minutes or less. There are a large number of tasks that fit this criteria, including things like blog posts, staff bios, event listings, images, text, buttons, and posting videos. Depending on the system setup, this could also include things like forms or editing product images, descriptions, and listed prices. If you have any specific tasks in mind, feel free to reach out and ask!

A good rule of thumb is that if we are not updating something that is already on the website, then it is likely not included. This would go for adding new products, new plugins/APIs, or creating new reports. Another thing to keep in mind is the 30 minute time limit. Longer, more complicated tasks like conditional logic, running system updates, coding solutions, inventory management, or product shipping/taxes would not be included. If you have any specific tasks in mind, feel free to reach out and ask!

During the onboarding process, we will review your website to make sure that we have staff that can make the required updates. If your website has multiple systems running in it, we will review those at this step as well. Our pricing may change depending on what systems are being used and how those systems are being used to compensate for the extra time or staff needed.